Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board

IMPORTANT: The Federal Trade Commission has ordered LREAB to rescind and cease enforcing the customary and reasonable fee rule, LAC 46:LXVII.31101 (A, B, and C). The Order is available at https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/ftc_gov/pdf/D09374LREABFinalDecisionOrder.pdf.

Annual Renewal Period Opens October 1st!
The Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board annual renewal period will open October 1. There are two ways to renew – online or by paper submission. To expedite the processing of your renewal and the issuance of your license, certificate, or registration, we recommend that you take advantage of the online renewal process. Online renewals are easy to complete and you can pay via credit card or ACH through our secure processing system. Visit the MyLREC Portal to begin the renewal process.

Update Your Contact Info Ahead of Renewal Season
During the renewal period, the LREAB will use email communication to dissimenate important renewal information regarding your license. Make sure your contact details are updated in your MyLREC Portal to avoid missing critical information.

Renewal Period Deadlines
In order to be considered on time, renewals must be received or postmarked on or before December 31, 2024. Renewals completed after this date will be subject to the following delinquent fees:

- First Delinquent Renewal Period: January 1, 2025 – February 15, 2025 ($25 delinquent fee)
- Second Delinquent Renewal Period: February 16, 2025 – June 30, 2025 ($100 delinquent fee)

Due to an Appraisal Subcommittee requirement, the LREAB will be auditing the education records of all appraisers renewing their certification this year. All renewing appraisers must have earned 28 hours of continuing education credit, including the “7-hour USPAP Update” course, within the two-year renewal cycle. This education requirement must be completed to ensure timely renewal.

Courses completed to satisfy real estate license CE requirements will likely not count toward your appraisal CE requirement. It is mandatory for all renewing appraisers to send course completion certificates for all required education to the LREAB via email to appraiserCEaudit@lreab.gov or mail to 9071 Interline Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70809.


The Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board is the state government agency that administers and regulates the real estate appraiser licensing and certification program for the State of Louisiana. It is our job to enforce the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Law and the Rules and Regulations of the Board and to monitor the mode and method by which real estate appraisals are conducted in this state. It is our goal is to ensure professional competency among real estate appraisers and to promote a market environment in real estate transactions that is fair and equitable for appraisers and their customers and clients.

There are five divisions within the agency: Accounting, Administrative, Education, Investigative, and Licensing. While each division performs separate and distinct duties, the input and cooperation of several divisions may be required to effectively serve you. Use the links on this page to find the information that you seek. Can't find what you need? Contact one of our staff members for assistance. It is our pleasure to be of service to you!


On September 11, 2019, the Louisiana Department of Justice issued Attorney General Opinion 19-0078 addressing whether individuals who are not state-licensed appraisers may perform “evaluations” as the term is provided for in the Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines. Please click the following link to access a copy: La. A.G. Op. No. 19-0078.

Please be advised La. A.G. Op. No. 19-0078 reaffirms that an “evaluation” is subject to the requirements imposed by the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Law (La. R.S. 37:3391 et seq.). Accordingly, unless otherwise provided by law, it is unlawful for any person not licensed by the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Board to perform an evaluation for or in expectation of compensation or other valuable consideration.

LREAB Complaint Hotline. Click to file a complaint

Complaints Regarding Sexual Harassment

The LREAB is committed to preventing sexual harassment. In compliance with Act 2018-270, the LREAB requires all employees to complete at least one hour of education and training on preventing sexual harassment. 2020 Act 270 Report

LREAB Harassment Policy